Thursday, September 30, 2010

Here We Go...

Why yes, it has been FOREVER since I updated my blog...I'm so sorry!

Life has been completely crazy lately, but...

I LOVE my new job as a school nurse!  LOVE IT!!!!

The kids are crazy, immature, and down right hilarious!  I can't believe some of the things they come to me for!  It's amazing.  I'll have to share some stories another time! 

...and I promise to do my best to update sooner, next time.  Seriously, Immunizations were consuming my life for the first part of the school year, and now that they've died down, I can hopefully find some sort of normal routine for my week, and I really want a blog update to be part of it. 

So, I'm starting today! 

Here We Go...

A few weeks ago I had some MAJOR seasonal allergy issues going on! 

They were driving me CRAZY!

Well, after a few days of Benadryl and Claritin, my allergies seemed to dwindle, but the cough remained...

Then 2 weeks ago, I was doing laundry on a Saturday, and I came up the basement stairs with a 1/4 full laundry basket, and had to sit down to catch my breath! 

NOT OKAY!!!!! 

I'm not a happy person when I have shortness of breath.  It slows me down, and reminds me that sometimes my CF believes it should be in charge.  I, however, feel much differently than my CF and like to show it who's boss!  

I started percussing 3 times a day, as opposed to my normal twice a day routine!  I text my pulmonologist (cuz we're cool like that) and he put me on Cipro (an antibiotic)! 

I was still feeling shortness of breath , but was getting a little better. 

I thought back and realized, "Holly, you haven't been in the hospital, or had any kind of a 'tune up' since July 2005."

I have to tell you, I am EXTREMELY proud of myself for this! 

5+ years I've gone without needing I.V. antibiotics.  Without being stuck in a hospital bed for weeks, bored out my goard and not sleeping at night because NO ONE sleeps in a hospital! 

I mean, truly, this is a beautiful thing.  To have been born and not expected to see elementary school, or more likely even, my first birthday...and I've gone 5+ years without needing some serious medical tuning!  AMAZING!

I'm in awe of this blessing from God. 

~ HE gave me wonderful parents:

who stayed up night upon night to listen to me breathe...

to give me my treatments, even when I fought them on it...

to be my voice, when I couldn't be or was too afraid to be...

to be proactive and tell the doctor's when they thought I needed more...

to be my advocates to tell the doctor's at 3am that 12 sticks for an I.V., they still couldn't get, was enough, and that I needed sleep more than the medication at that very second...

to allow me to hit the therapists with my I.V. board, because I'd told them time and time again they were pounding too hard, and they just wouldn't listen...

to stay with me night after night in the hospital, because I didn't want to be alone (even though I was in my teens and twenties)...

to treat me the same as they treated my sister, never treating me like I was fragile because of CF...

to teach me that I can't let CF stop me, and that I'm bigger than it is!

~ HE gave me a wonderful sister:

who stuck up for me, when I was too little to stick up for myself...

who wanted so desperately to stay with me in the hospital when I was sick, but wasn't allowed because of her age...

who spent the night, in the bed with me, when I was in the hospital my freshman year of college, because she was an adult now, and she could...

who brought my nephew to see me in the hospital, and talked the woman downstairs into letting him come up to the floor even though it wasn't their policy...

who PRAYED, and continues to do so, for me and my health!

~ HE gave me my wonderfu husband

who didn't let CF come between him and me...

who married me, in sickness and in health...

who, for reasons unknown to me, LOVES me...

who, even though he thought I was crazy when I mentioned it to him last week, is going along with me going on home I.V. read that right...I'm going on home I.V. (10-1-10 at 9:00am)

Not because I need or have to...but because I'm being proactive.

I'm making the adult decision...

I've gone 5+ years without needing a tune up! 

I still don't 'need' a tune up...and I'm sooo very proud of this!

But it can't hurt!  It can only make my lungs better!

...and to be honest, the better my lungs are, the better I'll be!

...and the better I'll be, the longer I'll be here!

...and the longer I'm here...

The longer I can praise God, and thank HIM for the blessings HE has given me! 

...and really, isn't that the point?  ;0)


  1. And I am there to change your dressing any time, just in case. Love you.


  2. I'm so glad you'll be around to praise God longer ... and to entertain me! =) I didn't know about your blog before I read that you had updated it on Facebook. I love you, friend!!
