Thursday, March 10, 2011

Church, Life, and Airports…they’re all one in the same!

This past Sunday we celebrated Crosspoint’s 4th Birthday!


I can’t believe we are 4 years old.

I say “we” because we are part of the Crosspoint Tribe!

We Are Crosspoint!

So on our 4th birthday, Curt mentioned during his message how the church is like an airport. (stay with me here).

When you go on vacation, and you fly, you have to go to the airport.

Then you get on a plane and where does it land?

…Another airport, right?

But you don’t stop there…you continue on to that sandy beach, or the snowy mountain, or possibly even Disney World.

The point is…the airport isn’t your destination.

Just like church…Church isn’t your destination.

Church is your connection.

So, Today I was looking at the newspaper and recent obituaries online.

It got me thinking.

A lot of times they mention that his/her “final resting place” is Something Something Cemetery.

That’s not really the case though!

Because the truth is, for Christians, we have eternal life!

When I die, I’m going to heaven.

My life will continue in the presence of God.

My body will still be here, and it will have a final resting place here on earth.

But it will just be my body…

I won’t be there.

I’ll be partying it up in heaven with my Buddy Jesus and his Dad.

So REALLY, it’s not just church that’s like an airport…

Life on earth, in general, is like an airport.

My ticket was purchased LONG ago…

And, although I don’t have the flight information yet, I know I’ll be flying First Class.

The truth is…

We’re all just waiting for our flight HOME!


  1. I'm going to read this to my kids. Since their sweet uncle went to be with Jesus we are answering tons of questions again. There is so much hope, so much joy in knowing that the biggest part of our lives are yet to come. Reading this brought tears of joy! Miss you!

  2. Mom always says that when people pass on they get their "promotion" :o)

  3. Wow! I think you should be a Pastor! LOVED it!
